TFT 9.21 S-tier Comps 2


   In this build you don't have to worry about leveling 3 your Tris or Lucian, when you have 2 star of al your units you're good. Try to pick B.F. Sword or Recurve Bow for Giant Slayer, if not just grab a Giant Belt or Chain West to build Red Buff but don't forget in this build there is no too much Giant Slayer, build as many as you can. Start your team whatever you find first from Wilds or Slingers. Jayce and Graves in this build are not a must but they you can pick GP (his barrels apply on-hit effect don't fear building Giant Slayer and Red Buff on him) instead of Graves and any shifters instead of Jayce (He becomes a monster with Wilds when equipped with any number of Titanic Hydra's, also he activates the Hextexh buff which makes him the best option from other non wild shapeshifters). On Lucian my suggest is building cc items on him, you won't have the chance to build each of the above items but atleast try to build Hush (against any comp this item will help you to win the game) and Sword Breaker (only needed against Kassassin and Ranger builds) on him. Remember wild units only here for their buffs so don't rely on them. They can stay at 1 star even in late game but atleast have 2 stars of each slingers you have and don't forget 3 staring them is not necessary. When you 2 star them focus on leveling up to 9 as fast as you can. To find Jinx and Gnar wait until lvl 7 which is the best way to roll for finding any 4 golds unit. Until lvl 8 you can stay on 4 wilds 3 shapeshifter and 2 slingers but when you hit 8 put your other 2 slingers on the board.  

Here is a game i played with the same build:

New Void Kassassin: 

   Using Kassadin as your main unit by giving him a Youmuu's Ghostblade (Spatula+B.F. Sword) and a RFC/Rapid Firecannon (Recurve Bow+Recurve Bow) alongside with Rek'sai or Cho'gath plus 5 other sins including Kha'zix and Kai'sa  and only one of the Ninja/Sin unit which are Zed and Akali gives you high chance of finishing at top 4 opportunity. You have to focus on making your Kassa 3 stars by rolling before hitting level 5 and 2 stars Kha'zix and Rek'sai, by doing this you'll probably be at bottom of the lobby in early game which is actually good to finish your ghostblade early and if you lucky enough you'll already have 3 star Kassa before hitting level 5 or 3 or 4 rounds after you hit level 5. 
   At the level 4 you should have 2 voids (Kassa and Kha) and 3 sins (Kha, Zed and Pyke) on your board. After transforming your Kassa to a sin your goal is saving your gold by not rolling at all until you have 50+ golds. By this process you should focus on making your other sin units 2 stars. After saving gold you should spend it to level up to 8 without losing that 5 gold tax, simply just keep your 50 golds and spend whatever your income is. After hitting 8 you will have high chance of finding Kai'sa, Cho'gath and Akali (Zed can be used instead of her to allocate gold for increasing chance of finding Kai'sa). There is 2% chance of finding 5 gold unit at level 7 if you want to try your chance you can find Kai'sa and complete your build. 
   With the new void trait you should use Kassa and Kha and avoid from using the third void unit which is Rek'sai at early game if you can't use four of them. That way your void buff will only activated on Kha or Kassa until you find 4 of them. You must use your last item slot on Kassa for a deffensive item in order to protect him from some unwanted situations, like hitting by a ghost, one hitted by Draven, stunned by any unit etc. My suggestion is having either GA for ghost, PD for Draven or new item Quicksilver for preventing any cc.
   If you lucky enough to find Kai'sa  at level 7 then you can build the comp below. *Items on Kassa and Kai'sa are more important than Pyke and Zed.


   With the introduction of Kai'sa and change on void trait in the new patch an already strong comp, Ranger/Glacial, is stronger than ever. You can now remove the weakest unit in this comp, Vayne, and replace her with Kai'sa at the late game whenever you find her. Your main carry is still Ashe in this comp so build items on her first then build on Vayne. When you find Kai'sa sell your Vayne and give items to Kai'sa.

   At the start of the game use a Ranger/Knight/Noble comp.

    Hitting level 6 before anyone else to increasing your chance of finding Ashe and Kindred is too important in this build. That way you can play mid game without getting hurt when you complete 4 rangers.

   Best way of finding Kai'sa is rolling at level 8 with 5% chance. So when you have 2 stars of each unit expect Kindred you should start investing gold after level 6. Until level 8 pick other important units like Seju, Braum, Voli and Rek'sai/Cho'gath. Until level 9 there is 3 way of using your units, you can either use 4 glacials and Morde with 4 rangers that way you will have knight, phantom buffs or use 4 glacials and Rek'sai that way you will have brawler and void buffs or the last one keeping Braum at bench and having 3 glacials with void, phantom and knights buffs activated. You can rotate these comp to beat different opponents by guessing which opponent you will face next with the new matching system.

Draven and his tank mates:
 tft 9.19 s-tier, tft 9.19 best comp, meta build, draven knight
   Using Draven as your only carry by giving him RFC, Bloodthirster and eaither GA as defensive or Guinsoo as offensive item by your choice and building a meat wall with 6 knights and 2 guardians makes him unreachable by your opponents. This build can easily countered by Yordles so if there is someone going Yordles you should accept you won't win against that opponent.
  To fully complete this comp you must not roll until hitting level 7, not even a single roll. Just save every gold. Grab every knight unit until you 2 star them by that time and don’t even think of 3 staring them, trust me its not even worth your golds. At the first rounds of the game try to build a 3 nobles that includes Garen, Vayne and Lucian with 2 knights. When you hit level 5 grab a Braum and put him in frontlane. You can stack your Draven items on Vayne
  This is how your comp should be at level 5.
tft 9.19 s-tier, tft 9.19 best comp, meta build, draven knight

   Try to stay above 50 golds until level 7. When you hit level 7 with 50 golds roll until you find Draven and stop rolling. If you already find Leona while you roll for Draven you can sell your Vayne and Lucian and rearrange your team like this. Feel free to add Seju instead of Morde if you already find her.
tft 9.19 s-tier, tft 9.19 best comp, meta build, draven knight

  Now its time to saving golds again. Stay above 50 golds until level 8, when you hit level 8 with 50+ golds you should roll until finding 2 star Draven, Seju, Leona and Poppy. Also you'll have 5% chance to find Kayle this way.
   There is a good side of this build, which is finding an already completed Knight's Vow at level 8 from carousel that before the dragon round and giving it to Leona and finishing your build at level 8 without last knight and having all this money to roll freely to 2 star your tier 4 units and finding Kayle. Don't forget your only carry is Draven in this build, so focus on completing items for him first. With Thornmail and Warmog's Braum can be a hidden carry for your team.


TFT 9.21 S-tier Comps 1

Wild Akali: 

   In 9.19 patch Akali got her powers back and with the impact of new items she became even stronger. After 9.20 she only lost 0.5 attack speed and 5% crit chance from assassin 3 buff and 25% crit damage from IE. We can still increase her crit chance by +65% (%60 with triple IEs and %5 with Assassin 3 buff) which makes her crit chance %90 in 9.21. Also with the help of Wild buff her skills which deals crit damage can pass through Phantom Dancer. And with the nerf to Dragon buff and Dragon’s Claw item (both of them have 75% magic resist) that delivered in 9.19 patch her skills deals considerable damage through both.
 How to: You can’t change any unit expect Pyke in this build (don’t replace him with Zed). Don’t roll until level 7, if you don’t have 2 stars of both Nida and WW you should roll at Golems. Focus on collecting Sparring Gloves at draft stages.

   This is the best pre build at level 5 for this build. You can use items on Zed but don’t waste to build items that you won’t use at late game. When you find Akali and Gnar at level 7 you can sell Zed and put Akali, Gnar and also either Vi or Jayce in. Since Jayce effects on 3 units i recommend using him.

   Pros: High damage, counters of Knights, Nobles, Yordles origins. Good against Phantom Dancer thanks to Wild buff. Also good against item based builds (like Vayne, Draven, Katarina carry builds) thanks to Hextech buff.
   Medium/High deffence thanks to 2 Brawlers and 3 Shapeshifters. Gnar becomes unkillable at some points with the right item selection. I recommend using Warmog’s, PD and Dragon’s Claw.
   Even if you only complete Akali’s items you won’t lost any power. You’ll still have the high damage and medium deffence which is enough to finish at top 4. Other items only increase your chance of winning the game

   Cons: Since Akali is your only damage dealer, when she hitted by Phantom or Hextech buff/ Cc’ed long time/ one hitted by Arcane Gauntlet Aurelion sol you’ll most likely lost that round.


   This build is similar to Akali/Wild build only difference is you have much powerful Akali because of the 4 Ninja buff and 2 more damage dealers by her side (Kennen and Brand/Anivia). Deffensively you have Golem and Shen which can take the role of WW and Vi. Also you can have 6 Sins at level 9 if you build a Youmuu and give it to Kennen instead of giving Redemption.

   How to: Play the early game with Zed, Kha, Pyke, Kassa. At some point you can bench the Zed for Kennen with still having 3 Sins on board. Focus on building Akali items first, you can stack items only on Kha’zix he is actually can carry the mid game with the items. Only use your golds to buy needed units, do not roll for them until 7. Try to reach level 7 with good economy, atleast 50 golds. You can also stack Ionic Sparks on Liss to counter Dragon and Dragon’s Claw builds.

   Pros: This build has more damage sources than Akali/Wild build. It allows you to use 6 Sins which makes it even stronger.

   Cons: Since it doens’t include Wilds it can be hard to play against Yordles. This comp depends on finding Akali and Brand which are the most used 4 gold units in this patch.


   With the 9.20 patch chance of finding 5 gold units (5% to 8%) at level 8 increased and with that this comp become more reliable. Now, finding Swain at level 8 and completing 4 imperials is easier than ever. With this build you will have 3 carries unlike the Vayne build which has only one carry. In 9.21 Draven only lost 5 AD in this comp.

   How to: Play the early game with Vayne, Luci, Garen and Dari/Morde. Stack the items either on Vayne or on Luci. Don’t spend any gold. Only roll to 2* Dari, Garen and Morde until level 7. At 7 roll for Draven, Seju and Kindred. Don’t waste gold for 2* Draven at level 7, when you find it wait until 8 to find Swain. If you can’t build or find Knight’s Vow there are no meaning of leveling 9, just play with 4 Knights. You can build Mana items on Kata instead of Thief’s Gloves that way she will use her ulti faster, with imperial buff her skill is enough to kill an entire backline without any offensive item. While Draven killing the frontline she will wipe the backline.

   This can be used at level 7. Instead of wasting Imperial buff on Darius you can use Garen and let the Buff go either Kata or Dra.

   And as i mentioned if you can't find Knight's Vow you can finish the build at level 8. You will only have 30 damage reduction from any given damage instead of 65 reduction at 6 Knights. This is a huge difference but doesn't make the build an A-tier. You can use Poppy until you find Kayle.

   Pros: Draven and Kata are much faster than Vayne on killing. Draven will be hard to kill with Knight buff and Guardian Angel (also the healing effect from Bloodthirster). With Phantom buff you will start the round 1-0 ahead of your opponents. Swain is also hard to handle with Knight and Imperial buff on him, so you won’t have any difficulty even if something happens on your Draven.

   Cons: This build depends on finding Swain and atleast 2* Draven. You will not be strong until you find them. You will only have Kata and Swain against Yordles and Draven against Dragons. Needs a good positioning against Akali builds.


   One of the best builds in use right now. Already used in 9.19 and 9.20 at top ranks. This build has similar principle with Knight builds, while brawlers gain time with their huge hp bars Jinx and Luci slay the enemies with the helps of Giant Slayer and Infinity Edge. This comp also has strong cc which is good against Akali comps.

   How to: Without 6 brawlers and 2 gunslingers this comp is garbage. You can’t finish top 4 with brawler 4 buff, so leveling is important than having 3* units. You must have Giant Slayer and IE on atleast one of your carries, other one can use Thief’s Gloves. Ionic Spark is a great counter for Akali and Aurelion Sol comps and it must be your first priority after finishing GS and IE.
   Do not force to win early game, collecting B.F. Sword, Sparring Gloves and Recurve Bow is more important than having high hp. For early game play with Tris and Luci. Use items on Tris that way when you find Jinx you won’t have to worry about selling Luci for items. Do not roll until level 8.

   Pros: Deffensively strong, has a lot of cc option, does not have many counters, not difficult to build.

   Cons: Depends on items, only has 2 carries.

Vayne carry: 

   One of the best counter of Brawler/Gunslinger build.  Even if you have 3 star Vayne and 1 star Kindred with 4 Knights you can beat most of the comps that already at level 8. With items on Vayne she destroys 3 units in 9 basic attacks at the same time in any case.

   How to: There is two ways of playing this comp. 1st; you roll to make all of your 1 gold units 3 star before level 6. Then when you find Kindred at level 6 you can lay back, drink your coffee and watch your movie at background until you have enough golds to level 8 and put 2 other Knights.
2nd; You only roll to find 3 star Vayne and 2 star your other 1 gold units then level 6 to find Kindred and level 8 early to use 6 Knights instead of sitting at level 6 too long since you don’t have any guarantee to make every unit 3 star.

   Pros: There are no units you can’t kill with your Vayne. Probably most deffensive build at the game with the 6 Brawlers. Mostly uses low cost units with that its easy to level 3 most of your units. Only needs 3 full items. With the Phantom buff you start 1-0 to the round.

   Cons: This build only have one damage source if you lost it you lost the round (With good positioning you can stand against it).

TFT 9.20 Metası | En iyi komplar

Vahşi Akali: 

   Bildiğiniz üzere 9.19 yamasında Akali terörü esti geçti. Şimdi 9.20 ile birlikte nerf adı altında getirilen değişikliklerle kendisi pekte zayıflamış gözükmüyor. Akali karşısına gelene yine tek atıp diğer hedefine yöneliyor. 9.19'dan değişen şeyler 0.05'lik bir saldırı hızı azalması, %5'lik bir crit ihtimali azalması (%95'ten %90'a) ve Ebedi Kılıç'tan %25 lik bir crit hasarı azalması. Sonuç: yine tek, ama bu sefer biraz daha az hasar vurarak tek. Kısaca bu komp ile 1. olma ihtimali hala çok yüksek.

   Nasıl?: Bu kompta Pyke hariç her bir birimin doldurulamaz bir görevi var. Dolayısıyla Pyke yerine Zed hariç başka bir suikastçı orjinli birim ile de oynayabilirsiniz. Oyunun erken safhalarında Zed ve herhangi 4 Vahşi ile oynayıp Akali'ye sakladığınız itemleri onun üzerinde kullanabilirsiniz. Akali bulmak asıl amacımız olduğundan dolayı ne kadar erken 7.seviye olursak bizim için o kadar iyi. Lobideki en az 4 kişinin bu kompu kurmaya çalıştığını unutmayın. Nida, WW v.s. gibi sadece orjin bufflarından yararlanacağımız birimleri 3* yapmaya çalışmak yarardan çok zarar getirecek. Dolayısıyla erken safhada ne kadar hasar yerseniz yiyin amacınızdan kopmayın. Erken safhada hasar yemek bazı durumlarda oyunu kazandıran hamle dahi olabiliyor. Özellikle bu kompta herkesin seçim ekranında Eldiven ve TEK Kılıcı'na yöneldiği bir metada bu itemleri herkesten erken bitirmek işimizi çok daha kolay bi hale getiricektir. 

   5. seviyede istediğiniz itemleri oluşturamadığınız durumlarda 4 Vahşi + Zed yerine aşağıdaki gibi 3 Suikastçı ile oynayarak hasar potansiyelini biraz daha yüksekte tutarak gereğinde nfazla hasar almaktan kaçınabilirsiniz. 6. seviye olduğunuzda Ahri'yi ekeleyerek 4 Vahşi'yi tamamlayıp 7. seviyede Gnar ve Akali bulana kadar Ahri'yi alanda tutabilirsiniz. 

   Artıları: Yüksek anlık hasar, Şovalye, Yordle, Dövüşçü gibi meta komplarına karşı güçlü. Vahşi buffu sayesinde Hayalet Dansçı eşyalı düşmanlara karşı ve Hextech buffu sayesinde Şovalye/Draven, Dövüşçü/Jinx veya Şovalye/Vayne gibi eşya bağımlı güçlü komplara karşı birebir etkili.
   Dövüşçü ve Şekil değiştiriciler sayesinde ortanın üstü seviyede savunmaya sahip. Özellikle Gnar'dan gelen yüksek tanklık ve dönüştüğünde büyük bir alanda oluşturduğu kitle kontrolü ile sürekli hasara sahip komplara karşı güçlü bir durumda.
   Sadece 3 eşya ile yüksek perfonsmans

   Eksileri: Sadece Akali'nin hasarına bağımlı olduğundan Hayalet, Hextech gibi etkilerin Akali'ye denk gelmesi, Seju, Cho'gath, Gnar v.b. gibi kaçınılması zor büyük alanlı kitle kontrollerin Akali'ye denk gelmesi ile zorluklar yaşanılabilir. Kitle kontrolden kaçınmak için +%20'lik krit ihtimalinden feragat edilerek 3. Ebedi Kılıç yerine Civa eşyası kullanılabilir.


   Bu komp Akali/Vahşi mantığına çok benzer tek farkı 4 Ninja sayesinde daha güçlü bir Akali'ye ve sahip olmamız ve yanında Liss ve Kennen'dan gelecek hasar katkısı ile Akali'ye biraz daha az bağımlı bir komp olması. WW, Vi ve Gnar'ın sağladığı tanklığı Golem ve Shen, yine Gnar'dan gelen kitle kontrol etkisini Kennen ile eşitliyor. Ancak Hayalet Dansçı'lı birimler ve Yordle komplara karşı güçsüz kalıyor. 

   Nasıl?: Zed, Kha, Pyke, Kassa ile erken oyun oynayın. Kennen'i bulduğunuz noktada oyunda 3 suikastçı olacak şekilde Zed'in yerine koyup devam edebilirsiniz. Öncelikle Akali eşyalarını bitirmeye odaklanın, tamamladığınız eşyaları orta oyunu taşıması için Kha’zix'e verebilirsiniz. 7. seviye olana kadar roll yapmamaya özen gösterin, paranızı sadece ihtiyaç duyduğumuz birimleri almak için kullanın. 7 olduğunuzda Akali ve Brand'i bularak kompu tamamlayabilirsiniz. 8 olduğunuzda Anivia bulup Brand yerine koyarak ekstradan Buzul buffu kazanabilirsiniz.

   Artıları: Akali/Vahşi kompunun aksine daha fazla hasar kaynağına sahip. Ayrıca 9. seviyeye ulaştığınızda Kennen'i suikastçı yaptığınız taktirde takımı 6 suikastçıya tamamlama olanağı sunuyor.

   Eksileri: Vahşi buffuna sahip olmadığından dolayı Yordle ve Hayalet Dansçı'ya karşı etkisiz.

Taşıyıcı Vayne: 

   Şuan metada bulunan ve tamamlaması en kolay komplardan biri. Ayrıca Dövüşçü/Silahsör kompuna karşı çok güçlü durumda.

   Nasıl?: Bu kompu tamamlamak için 2 adet yol var. 1.yol; 6. seviye olmadan önce Vayne, Garen, Morde ve Darius'u 3* yapmak. Sonrasında 6. seviyede Kindred'i bularak 4 Şovalye/ 2 Hayalet/ 2 Kolcu ile orta safhayı üstün geçirmek. Buradan sonra 9.seviyeye kadar para harcamadan geçirmek. 2.yol; 6 olmadan önce sadece Vayne'i 3* yapmaya odaklanmak sonrasında 1.yoldan daha hızlı bir şekilde seviye 9 olarak oyunu üst sıralarda tamamlama ihtimali artırmak.
   Eşyalara baktığımızda ise öncelik Vayne'de sonrasında Sejuani'de olmalı.

   Artıları: Vayne'in maksimum 9 vuruşta öldüremeyeceği bir birim yok. Oldukça fazla tank birime sahip, bu tankları aşmak Akali için pekte sıkıntı olmasa da kendisinin Vayne'ye ulaşmasını düzgün bir pozisyon ile geciktirebilirsiniz. genelde düşük ücretli birimlerden oluştuğundan erken safhada çok çabuk biçimlendirilebilecek bir komp. Sadece 3 eşyaya ihtiyaç duyuyor. Hayalet buffu sayesinde her tura 1-0 önde başlamanızı sağlıyor.

   Cons: Tek bir hasar kaynağına sahip olduğundan farklı komplar için ayrı ayrı pozisyon alınmasını gerektiriyor.


   9.19'da da yüksek Elo'da sıkça oynanan bu komp 9.20 yaması ile gelen 8.seviyede 5 altın değerindeki birimlerin bulunma ihtimalinin %5'ten %8'e çıkması değişikliği ile daha da iyi bir konuma geldi. Artık 8. seviyede Swain bulma ihtimalimiz dolayısıyla kompu daha erken bitirme şansımız artmış oldu.

   Nasıl?: Oyunun erken safhalarını Soylu/Şovalye kompu ile güvenli bir şekilde fazla hasar almadan geçirerek 7. seviyeye kadar para biriktirin. Bu süre boyunca Draven'a beklettiğimiz itemleri Luci veya Vayne'ye verebilirsiniz. Golem'lerde Garen, Morde ve Darius'u çok fazla para harcamadan 2* yapmaya çalışın. 7.seviyeye kadar aşırı para harcamaktan kaçının. Eşyasız bir Draven fazla iş çokta işlevli olmadığından erken oyunu hasar alarak geçirmek isteyebilirsiniz, böylece gerekli eşyaları daha erken bitirebilirsiniz. 
   7. seviyede yine aşırıya kaçmadan en azından birer Draven ve Kindred bulmaya çalışın. Bulamadığınız taktirde inat etmeden 8. seviye olmaya bakın. Draven'i bulma inadıyla 0'ı görürseniz buradan dönmek neredeyse imkansız bir hal alıyor.
   Çok fazla şanssız değilseniz 7. seviyede bulacağınız birer Dra, Seju ve Kindred ile aşağıdaki gibi bir takımla sağlam bir şekilde devam edebilirsiniz. Tek sıkıntı eğer Sejuani bulamazsanız Seçkin buffunun Dari'ye giderek israf olma durumu doğuyor.

   Şovalye'nin Adağı yada Doğanın Hiddeti bu komp için olmazsa olmaz. İki eşyadan birini bulamazsanız 4 Şovalye ile yani 30 hasar azaltma eksik bir şekilde oynamak durumundasınız.

   Artıları: Vayne/Şovalye kompunun aksine oldukça fazla hasar kaynağına sahip bir komp. Draven, Şovalye etkisi ve eşyalar ile birlikte sahip olacağı yüksek hayatta kalma özelliği ile öldürülmesi çok zor bir birim. Herhangi bir şekilde katledilse bile Kata ve Swain o turu çok rahat bir şekilde taşıma potansiyeline sahip birimler. Hayalet buffu sayesinde her tura 1-0 önde başlıyoruz.

   Eksileri: Bu oldukça geç safhada ve zor tamamlanan bir komp. Swain bulsanız bile 2* Draven'a sahip değilseniz zorluk yaşatabilen bir komp. Hayalet Dansçı'lı Ejder kompları veya Ejder Pençe'li Yordle komplarına karşı zorlanabilen bir komp. Akali'ye karşı doğru pozisyon alınmazsa kazanma ihtimali çok düşük oluyor.


   Şu anda yüksek Elo'da oynanan ve yüksek kazanma oranına sahip bir komp. Şovalye'li komplar ile aynı prensipte işliyor, Dövüşçü'ler yüksek can barları ile karşı takım taşıyıcılarını oyalarken Jinx ve Luci karşıdakini ayırt etmeksizin çok rahat bir şekilde hasar çıkarabiliyor. Bu komp ayrıca kitle kontrol bakımından güçlü bir komp. 8 birimden 5'inde kitle kontrol bulunuyor. Bu nedenle Akali'ye karşı az da olsa kazanma şansına sahip bir komp

   Nasıl?: Bu komp diğer kompların aksine tam olarak bitirilmediğinde çok güçsüz bir komp. Örneğin baştaki Akali kompunda Jayce'i koymasanız bile yinede güçlü ve kazanma ihtimali hala olan bir komp. Ama bu kompta son Dövüşçü veya Silahşörü koymadığınız durumlarda aşırı derecede güçsüz bir durumda oluyor. Bu nedenle hiçbir şekilde oyalanmadan hızlı bir şekilde 8. seviye olmak zorundasınız. İtem önceliği 2 Silahşör'ünüzden birini tamamlamak olmalı, sonrasında Akali ve Büyücü komplarına karşı koyabilmek için Blitz'e 2 tane İyon Kılıcı vermek olmalı.
   Erken oyunu kazanmaya çalışmayın. Eşya bakımında bu sıralar en çok alınan eşyalara ihtiyacınız olduğundan erken bölümde ne kadar altlarda olursanız geç oyun için o kadar iyi olacaktır.

   Artıları: Defansif olarak güçlü, çok fazla kitle kontrole sahip, çoğu kompa karşı güçlü. doğru uygulama ile çok rahat bir şekilde tamamlanması.

   Eksileri: Eşyalara aşırı derecede bağımlı bir komp, sadece 2 taşıyıcı olması.

TFT 9.20 S-tier Comps 1

Wild Akali: 

   In 9.19 patch Akali got her powers back and with the impact of new items she became even stronger. After 9.20 she only lost 0.5 attack speed and 5% crit chance from assassin 3 buff and 25% crit damage from IE. We can still increase her crit chance by +65% (%60 with triple IEs and %5 with Assassin 3 buff) which makes her crit chance %90. Also with the help of Wild buff her skills which deals crit damage can pass through Phantom Dancer. And with the nerf to Dragon buff and Dragon’s Claw item (both of them have 75% magic resist) that delivered in 9.19 patch her skills deals considerable damage through both.
 How to: You can’t change any unit expect Pyke in this build (don’t replace him with Zed). Don’t roll until level 7, if you don’t have 2 stars of both Nida and WW you should roll at Golems. Focus on collecting Sparring Gloves at draft stages.

   This is the best pre build at level 5 for this build. You can use items on Zed but don’t waste to build items that you won’t use at late game. When you find Akali and Gnar at level 7 you can sell Zed and put Akali, Gnar and also either Vi or Jayce in. Since Jayce effects on 3 units i recommend using him.

   Pros: High damage, counters of Knights, Nobles, Yordles origins. Good against Phantom Dancer thanks to Wild buff. Also good against item based builds (like Vayne, Draven, Katarina carry builds) thanks to Hextech buff.
   Medium/High deffence thanks to 2 Brawlers and 3 Shapeshifters. Gnar becomes unkillable at some points with the right item selection. I recommend using Warmog’s, PD and Dragon’s Claw.
   Even if you only complete Akali’s items you won’t lost any power. You’ll still have the high damage and medium deffence which is enough to finish at top 4. Other items only increase your chance of winning the game

   Cons: Since Akali is your only damage dealer, when she hitted by Phantom or Hextech buff/ Cc’ed long time/ one hitted by Arcane Gauntlet Aurelion sol you’ll most likely lost that round.


   This build is similar to Akali/Wild build only difference is you have much powerful Akali because of the 4 Ninja buff and 2 more damage dealers by her side (Kennen and Brand/Anivia). Deffensively you have Golem and Shen which can take the role of WW and Vi. Also you can have 6 Sins at level 9 if you build a Youmuu and give it to Kennen instead of giving Redemption.

   How to: Play the early game with Zed, Kha, Pyke, Kassa. At some point you can bench the Zed for Kennen with still having 3 Sins on board. Focus on building Akali items first, you can stack items only on Kha’zix he is actually can carry the mid game with the items. Only use your golds to buy needed units, do not roll for them until 7. Try to reach level 7 with good economy, atleast 50 golds. You can also stack Ionic Sparks on Liss to counter Dragon and Dragon’s Claw builds.

   Pros: This build has more damage sources than Akali/Wild build. It allows you to use 6 Sins which makes it even stronger.

   Cons: Since it doens’t include Wilds it can be hard to play against Yordles. This comp depends on finding Akali and Brand which are the most used 4 gold units in this patch.


   With the 9.20 patch chance of finding 5 gold units (5% to 8%) at level 8 increased and with that this comp become more reliable. Now, finding Swain at level 8 and completing 4 imperials is easier than ever. With this build you will have 3 carries unlike the Vayne build which has only one carry.

   How to: Play the early game with Vayne, Luci, Garen and Dari/Morde. Stack the items either on Vayne or on Luci. Don’t spend any gold. Only roll to 2* Dari, Garen and Morde until level 7. At 7 roll for Draven, Seju and Kindred. Don’t waste gold for 2* Draven at level 7, when you find it wait until 8 to find Swain. If you can’t build or find Knight’s Vow there are no meaning of leveling 9, just play with 4 Knights. You can build Mana items on Kata instead of Thief’s Gloves that way she will use her ulti faster, with imperial buff her skill is enough to kill an entire backline without any offensive item. While Draven killing the frontline she will wipe the backline.

   This can be used at level 7. Instead of wasting Imperial buff on Darius you can use Garen and let the Buff go either Kata or Dra.

   And as i mentioned if you can't find Knight's Vow you can finish the build at level 8. You will only have 35 damage reduction from any given damage instead of 65 reduction at 6 Knights. This is a huge difference but doesn't make the build an A-tier. You can use Poppy until you find Kayle.

   Pros: Draven and Kata are much faster than Vayne on killing. Draven will be hard to kill with Knight buff and Guardian Angel (also the healing effect from Bloodthirster). With Phantom buff you will start the round 1-0 ahead of your opponents. Swain is also hard to handle with Knight and Imperial buff on him, so you won’t have any difficulty even if something happens on your Draven.

   Cons: This build depends on finding Swain and atleast 2* Draven. You will not be strong until you find them. You will only have Kata and Swain against Yordles and Draven against Dragons. Needs a good positioning against Akali builds.


   One of the best builds in use right now. Already used in 9.19 and 9.20 at top ranks. This build has similar principle with Knight builds, while brawlers gain time with their huge hp bars Jinx and Luci slay the enemies with the helps of Giant Slayer and Infinity Edge. This comp also has strong cc which is good against Akali comps.

   How to: Without 6 brawlers and 2 gunslingers this comp is garbage. You can’t finish top 4 with brawler 4 buff, so leveling is important than having 3* units. You must have Giant Slayer and IE on atleast one of your carries, other one can use Thief’s Gloves. Ionic Spark is a great counter for Akali and Aurelion Sol comps and it must be your first priority after finishing GS and IE.
   Do not force to win early game, collecting B.F. Sword, Sparring Gloves and Recurve Bow is more important than having high hp. For early game play with Tris and Luci. Use items on Tris that way when you find Jinx you won’t have to worry about selling Luci for items. Do not roll until level 8.

   Pros: Deffensively strong, has a lot of cc option, does not have many counters, not difficult to build.

   Cons: Depends on items, only has 2 carries.

Vayne carry: 

   One of the best counter of Brawler/Gunslinger build.  Even if you have 3 star Vayne and 1 star Kindred with 4 Knights you can beat most of the comps that already at level 8. With items on Vayne she destroys 3 units in 9 basic attacks at the same time in any case.

   How to: There is two ways of playing this comp. 1st; you roll to make all of your 1 gold units 3 star before level 6. Then when you find Kindred at level 6 you can lay back, drink your coffee and watch your movie at background until you have enough golds to level 8 and put 2 other Knights.
2nd; You only roll to find 3 star Vayne and 2 star your other 1 gold units then level 6 to find Kindred and level 8 early to use 6 Knights instead of sitting at level 6 too long since you don’t have any guarantee to make every unit 3 star.

   Pros: There are no units you can’t kill with your Vayne. Probably most deffensive build at the game with the 6 Brawlers. Mostly uses low cost units with that its easy to level 3 most of your units. Only needs 3 full items. With the Phantom buff you start 1-0 to the round.

   Cons: This build only have one damage source if you lost it you lost the round (With good positioning you can stand against it).

TFT 9.20 S-tier Comps 2

  •  If you are looking for more builds check part one of 9.20 builds here.


   In this build you don't have to worry about leveling 3 your Tris or Lucian, when you have 2 star of al your units you're good. Try to pick B.F. Sword or Recurve Bow for Giant Slayer, if not just grab a Giant Belt or Chain West to build Red Buff but don't forget in this build there is no too much Giant Slayer, build as many as you can. Start your team whatever you find first from Wilds or Slingers. Jayce and Graves in this build are not a must but they you can pick GP (his barrels apply on-hit effect don't fear building Giant Slayer and Red Buff on him) instead of Graves and any shifters instead of Jayce (He becomes a monster with Wilds when equipped with any number of Titanic Hydra's, also he activates the Hextexh buff which makes him the best option from other non wild shapeshifters). On Lucian my suggest is building cc items on him, you won't have the chance to build each of the above items but atleast try to build Hush (against any comp this item will help you to win the game) and Sword Breaker (only needed against Kassassin and Ranger builds) on him. Remember wild units only here for their buffs so don't rely on them. They can stay at 1 star even in late game but atleast have 2 stars of each slingers you have and don't forget 3 staring them is not necessary. When you 2 star them focus on leveling up to 9 as fast as you can. To find Jinx and Gnar wait until lvl 7 which is the best way to roll for finding any 4 golds unit. Until lvl 8 you can stay on 4 wilds 3 shapeshifter and 2 slingers but when you hit 8 put your other 2 slingers on the board.  

Here is a game i played with the same build:

New Void Kassassin: 

   Using Kassadin as your main unit by giving him a Youmuu's Ghostblade (Spatula+B.F. Sword) and a RFC/Rapid Firecannon (Recurve Bow+Recurve Bow) alongside with Rek'sai or Cho'gath plus 5 other sins including Kha'zix and Kai'sa  and only one of the Ninja/Sin unit which are Zed and Akali gives you high chance of finishing at top 4 opportunity. You have to focus on making your Kassa 3 stars by rolling before hitting level 5 and 2 stars Kha'zix and Rek'sai, by doing this you'll probably be at bottom of the lobby in early game which is actually good to finish your ghostblade early and if you lucky enough you'll already have 3 star Kassa before hitting level 5 or 3 or 4 rounds after you hit level 5. 
   At the level 4 you should have 2 voids (Kassa and Kha) and 3 sins (Kha, Zed and Pyke) on your board. After transforming your Kassa to a sin your goal is saving your gold by not rolling at all until you have 50+ golds. By this process you should focus on making your other sin units 2 stars. After saving gold you should spend it to level up to 8 without losing that 5 gold tax, simply just keep your 50 golds and spend whatever your income is. After hitting 8 you will have high chance of finding Kai'sa, Cho'gath and Akali (Zed can be used instead of her to allocate gold for increasing chance of finding Kai'sa). There is 2% chance of finding 5 gold unit at level 7 if you want to try your chance you can find Kai'sa and complete your build. 
   With the new void trait you should use Kassa and Kha and avoid from using the third void unit which is Rek'sai at early game if you can't use four of them. That way your void buff will only activated on Kha or Kassa until you find 4 of them. You must use your last item slot on Kassa for a deffensive item in order to protect him from some unwanted situations, like hitting by a ghost, one hitted by Draven, stunned by any unit etc. My suggestion is having either GA for ghost, PD for Draven or new item Quicksilver for preventing any cc.
   If you lucky enough to find Kai'sa  at level 7 then you can build the comp below. *Items on Kassa and Kai'sa are more important than Pyke and Zed.


   With the introduction of Kai'sa and change on void trait in the new patch an already strong comp, Ranger/Glacial, is stronger than ever. You can now remove the weakest unit in this comp, Vayne, and replace her with Kai'sa at the late game whenever you find her. Your main carry is still Ashe in this comp so build items on her first then build on Vayne. When you find Kai'sa sell your Vayne and give items to Kai'sa.

   At the start of the game use a Ranger/Knight/Noble comp.

    Hitting level 6 before anyone else to increasing your chance of finding Ashe and Kindred is too important in this build. That way you can play mid game without getting hurt when you complete 4 rangers.

   Best way of finding Kai'sa is rolling at level 8 with 5% chance. So when you have 2 stars of each unit expect Kindred you should start investing gold after level 6. Until level 8 pick other important units like Seju, Braum, Voli and Rek'sai/Cho'gath. Until level 9 there is 3 way of using your units, you can either use 4 glacials and Morde with 4 rangers that way you will have knight, phantom buffs or use 4 glacials and Rek'sai that way you will have brawler and void buffs or the last one keeping Braum at bench and having 3 glacials with void, phantom and knights buffs activated. You can rotate these comp to beat different opponents by guessing which opponent you will face next with the new matching system.

Draven and his tank mates:
 tft 9.19 s-tier, tft 9.19 best comp, meta build, draven knight
   Using Draven as your only carry by giving him RFC, Bloodthirster and eaither GA as defensive or Guinsoo as offensive item by your choice and building a meat wall with 6 knights and 2 guardians makes him unreachable by your opponents. This build can easily countered by Yordles so if there is someone going Yordles you should accept you won't win against that opponent.
  To fully complete this comp you must not roll until hitting level 7, not even a single roll. Just save every gold. Grab every knight unit until you 2 star them by that time and don’t even think of 3 staring them, trust me its not even worth your golds. At the first rounds of the game try to build a 3 nobles that includes Garen, Vayne and Lucian with 2 knights. When you hit level 5 grab a Braum and put him in frontlane. You can stack your Draven items on Vayne
  This is how your comp should be at level 5.
tft 9.19 s-tier, tft 9.19 best comp, meta build, draven knight

   Try to stay above 50 golds until level 7. When you hit level 7 with 50 golds roll until you find Draven and stop rolling. If you already find Leona while you roll for Draven you can sell your Vayne and Lucian and rearrange your team like this. Feel free to add Seju instead of Morde if you already find her.
tft 9.19 s-tier, tft 9.19 best comp, meta build, draven knight

  Now its time to saving golds again. Stay above 50 golds until level 8, when you hit level 8 with 50+ golds you should roll until finding 2 star Draven, Seju, Leona and Poppy. Also you'll have 5% chance to find Kayle this way.
   There is a good side of this build, which is finding an already completed Knight's Vow at level 8 from carousel that before the dragon round and giving it to Leona and finishing your build at level 8 without last knight and having all this money to roll freely to 2 star your tier 4 units and finding Kayle. Don't forget your only carry is Draven in this build, so focus on completing items for him first. With Thornmail and Warmog's Braum can be a hidden carry for your team.


TFT 9.20 Yama Notları

Seviye Atlama Değişiklikleri
5. Seviyeye Ulaşmak İçin Gerekli Olan XP Miktarı: 12 -> 10
9. Seviyeye Ulaşmak İçin Gerekli Olan XP Miktarı: 70 -> 66

Aşama Çıkma İhtimalleri
8. Seviye: 15/25/35/20/5 -> 15/20/35/22/8
9. Seviye: 10/15/33/30/12 -> 10/15/30/30/15

Ölüm Kılıcı: 0 yükle başlar -> 1 yükle başlar (+15 SG)
Donmuş Yürek Süresi: 4 saniye -> 1 saniye
Ebedi Kılıç: %150 Kritik Vuruş Hasarı -> %125 Kritik Vuruş Hasarı
Cıva: 5 saniye bekleme süresi -> 3 saniye bekleme süresi
Hırsız Eldiveni: Eşya kombinasyonlarının ortalama kalitesi düşürüldü

Suikastçı 3: %75 Kritik Vuruş Hasarı ve %10 Kritik Vuruş İhtimali -> %75 Kritik Vuruş Hasarı ve %5 Kritik Vuruş İhtimali
Muhafız Zırh İlavesi: 35 -> 45
Silahşor: 1/2/3 İlave Atış -> 1/2/4 İlave Atış
Şövalye: 15/35/65 -> 15/35/60
Vahşi: Yük başına %12 Saldırı Hızı -> Yük başına %10 Saldırı Hızı

Aatrox'un Zırhı: 25 -> 35
Akali'nin Saldırı Hızı: 0,85 -> 0,8
Fiora'nın Canı: 400 -> 450
Gangplank'in Saldırı Gücü: 55 -> 60
Kai'Sa'nın Yeteneğinin Kazandırdığı Saldırı Hızı: %30/%60/%90 -> %50/%75/%100
Kai'Sa'nın Kalkanı: 300/600/900 -> 400/700/1000
Leona'nın Canı: 750 -> 800
Lucian'ın Yeteneği: 100/225/350 -> 125/250/375
Poppy'nin Canı: 800 -> 700
Volibear'nin Saldırı Hızı: 0,6 -> 0,65

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TFT 9.20 S-tier Comps 1

Wild Akali:      In 9.19 patch Akali got her powers back and with the impact of new items she became even stronger. After 9.20 she...
